Monday, July 30, 2012

When Hope Blossoms by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Amy Knackstedt moved to Weaverly, Kansas to start fresh after the loss of her husband.  She wants to escape the memories and pain, but her escape from pain brings memories long dormant to the forefront of her neighbour Tim Roper's mind.  Tim left his Mennonite faith long ago hoping to never have anything to do with anything Mennonite again, but Amy's delightful family constantly reminds him of his loses.  

Tim tries to maintain his distance from the Knackstedts, but who can resist Adri (a precocious 5 year old), Parker (an 11 year old with disabilities who proclaims you his best friend), and Bekah (a compassionate and searching 13 year old).  Even Amy with her wholesome good looks and serenity is irresistible.  Eventually Tim questions whether his memories of his childhood were reality or if he saw his past through clouded lenses.  This also prompts him to renew his relationship with God.

While Tim is dealing with his memories, Amy is trying to sort out whether her husband Gabe's accident was a suicide.  Would he leave her and the children on purpose?  Yet through it all she is ever faithful to God and to living a life of integrity.  She becomes a light to Tim and a steady rock for her children.

This was a very good book.  I'm going to donate it to the church library so many others can enjoy it!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.  Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".  

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