Marc Royce is sent into Africa to deal with a crisis that arose after a volcano erupted and created chaos in the area. However, the real reason that he's sent there is to uncover the person and reason behind a kidnapping and corruption in the organization that sent him there. After an exciting and shaky start, Marc earns the respect of the tribal leaders and also the respect of Kitra, a UN nurse whose brother was abducted.
Soon Marc finds that the danger comes from getting too close to the mystery of the minerals called rare earths. These are used in electronics and are worth billions of dollars; enough money to justify killing to preserve the villains interest!
This book could be a movie! It reminded me of the Jason Bourne movies (if Bourne was a Christian). I loved the nonstop action and the cultural descriptions that brought the book alive. Now I want to read the first book and any that follow Rare Earth!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".
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