Wednesday, November 14, 2012

With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin

Mellie Blake just doesn't fit in.  She grew up in foreign places with her father and never learned to make friends.  Tom MacGilliver's father was a killer and he was never able to make more than superficial friendships because of his parentage.  Tom and Mellie begin to exchange letters anonymously and soon find that their friendship helps them grow in their areas of weakness.  Mellie is a source of encouragement for Tom who doesn't know how to lead his men without being abusive.  Tom teaches Mellie how to open up to friendship and gives her a safe place to share her fears.

Eventually they are stationed near each other and Mellie discovers who Tom is.  However, Mellie is plagued with the fear and conviction that she is unattractive and that Tom would be disappointed if they should ever meet.  Will they ever be able to overcome the obstacles that keep them apart?

This book is a must read.  I have read a few horrible books lately and this is definitely the opposite of that!  The setting was great!  Beginning with Mellie's training in the US to the transfer to upper Africa, the setting added to the story.  I also enjoyed learning about Mellie and Tom's respective jobs as it added a richness to their love story.

What do you need as a prospective buyer to purchase this book?  Great characters?  Check.  Great setting?  Check!  Great plot?  Check!!  This is definitely a buy.  I can't wait for the next book.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.  Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

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